Waterstudio Ties Rijcken

Innovaties en publicaties voor waterveiligheid en waternatuur

Flows Platform

“De moeder aller innovaties van Studio Ties.” Het allesomvattende van Flows Platform (voorloper SimDelta) is de kracht en de zwakte ervan. Platforms hebben de wereld veranderd en platformbedrijven zijn in een paar decennia de grootste bedrijven ter wereld geworden. Waarom heeft het beste waterbouwland ter wereld nog geen centraal platform? Ik kan dat inmiddels haarfijn uitleggen, en tegelijkertijd blijf ik er van overtuigd dat Flows Platform ooit door zal breken. Er zit zo’n half miljoen euro aan ontwikkeling en omzet in en het wordt momenteel gebruikt door TU Delft DeltaLinks, WWF en NL+X. Wie durft het aan om Flows Platform wereldwijd uit te rollen?

Alle publicaties van Studio Ties over Flows Platform

About Flows Platform

About Flows Platform

Flows Platform is ontwikkeld tijdens het promotieonderzoek van Ties Rijcken, om waterprofessionals en aquatisch geëngageerde stakeholders te ondersteunen met overzicht, inzicht en inspiratie.
Flows Platform draait om een unieke beeldtaal voor watersystemen en een unieke database met documenten over beleid, kennis en inspiratie, ontsloten met verschillende Flows features. Drijvende kracht achter Flows Platform is het idee dat betere uitwisseling van informatie en inspiratie leidt tot betere beslissingen, vooral in een tijd van participatie en complexe beleidsvorming.

Naar publicatie

EMERGO – the Dutch flood risk system since 1986

EMERGO – the Dutch flood risk system since 1986

My PhD dissertation (the “Tiesis”): In 1986, the completion of the Eastern Scheldt barrier made Dutch flood risk policymaking world famous. What has happened since then? The comprehensive historical policy analysis in this thesis identifies three trends. National investments in flood protection have continued and were strongly supported by refined risk and acceptable risk analyses. The interplay between flood risk reduction and other water system objectives played a major strategic role and can be described by an upward movement in ‘Maslow’s hierarchy for water infrastructure development’, a concept introduced in this thesis. Nature development and landscape quality have become increasingly important, but a policy discourse analysis reveals a struggle to get to grips with these objectives and to find a balance between quantitative and narrative decision support.

Naar publicatie

Simdelta Global

Simdelta Global



Inquiry into an Internet-Based Interactive Model for Water Infrastructure Development in The Netherlands; The Dutch Delta Program is currently developing new government policies for flood protection and fresh water supply. Decision support instruments have to address the program’s technical and political complexity. The water system functions are highly interwoven and would benefit from an integrated approach on a national level, with decisions supported by a scientific Systems Analysis. Politically, there is a tendency towards broad participation and decentralization, and decision-making is typically supported by Conflict Resolution methods. To connect these two sides of the Delta Program’s task, an outline is presented of an internet community-based interactive instrument, preliminarily named SimDelta. On-line interactive maps and elements of serious gaming intuitively provide local Delta Program participants insight into the interaction between scenarios, problems, and solutions. SimDelta uses the internet to more frequently and efficiently present conceptual designs by architects and engineers to the Delta Program stakeholders, record their preferences, and “crowdsource” corrections, improvements and new ideas.

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